Alessandro Di Vincenzo




“MILANO HOME: a combination of

inspiration, ideas, content, and novelty”

Name: Alessandro


Surname: Di Vincenzo


What I do: I am a sales agent.


Years of experience in the industry: I have been doing this job for 30 years


Your main talent: The strong bond of trust and respect that has been created with customers over the years.


Territories I represent and explore for work: I am lucky enough to work in five beautiful Italian regions: Abruzzo and Molise, Marche, Umbria and Emilia-Romagna.


Kilometres travelled annually: I drive about 60,000/70,000 km annually, the car is where I spend the most hours of my day and I consider hotels as my second homes.


The most beautiful thing I have seen in a shop:

The passion with which a young girl told and explained to her mother how to place the plates, glasses and cutlery at the table.


Have the outlets changed over the years? And if so, how?

Not all of them unfortunately. Those who have understood the change have moved towards a path of product research, exhibiting the product with more modern systems to better enhance the aesthetic aspect, they have searched for higher quality products, special finishes; others offer the possibility of customising articles, thus enhancing the uniqueness of the product itself.


Advice for shops that want to continue to grow.

Modernise the shop with regard to display, window dressing and assortment systems. Propose high-quality, design and unique objects. In my opinion, more and more attention should be paid to their customers in terms of service and reception. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by new sales channels, such as marketplaces, social media, or online sales from your own website.


Why not miss MILANO HOME?

To keep up with the times, developments and market trends. Discover themed areas full of new content, ideas and innovations through a new visitor route in the halls.