Vesta, touches of elegance and creativity for arousing emotions

Vesta, touches of elegance and creativity for arousing emotions

From home & decor to rechargeable lamps, the proposals for the home of the Castelfidardo-based company combine tradition and modernity in the name of excellence




An explosion of creativity that has its spearhead on the one hand in the design of acrylic crystal, processed to shape objects with a refined aesthetic sense; on the other hand, with the aid of new technologies and the conceptual development prowess of Caterina Migliorini, creative director of Vesta as well as designer of the collections, the Castelfidardo-based company has opened up to new solutions and programmes, enriching its offer with proposals aimed at satisfying the tastes and trends of an increasingly international clientele.

From lighting to home furnishings, from furnishing accessories to the table, the collections of the brand from the Marche region of Italy are characterised by an exclusively artisanal work cycle that give rise to unique products.

"I tried to completely revolutionise the image of the brand – explains Migliorini. Whereas, in the past, decorative lighting, objects and furnishing accessories were mainly made of acrylic crystal and completely neutral, my arrival has meant a change of pace and strategy. I switched to imagine a coordinated home with different themes by mixing materials, adding a strong note of creativity and using all the technology made available by the company. I have to thank Gabriele Sabbatini, CEO of Vesta, for the trust placed in me and the continuous investments in the company".


Migliorini defines herself as a "colourist" But "I also love black and white. From and in every colour I express myself through multiple shades and endless creativity, also developing important issues that look out for our planet. That soul dedicated to fashion? It is there and it will always be part of me because I come from the world of fashion".


The canons of beauty and quality go hand in hand with innovation. The designer has the task of harmonising technology and thought



Light, lightness, home decor, beauty at the service of the home. Vesta conveys these concepts by making all environments functional and elegant, from the home to the garden. What are the characteristics that give that unmistakable touch to the objects and products of the company from Castelfidardo?


"High quality materials such as acrylic crystal, for example, enhanced by colours and prints that breathe life and personality into transparency, and can be coordinated with others in the various product categories: This makes it possible collect matching pieces and furnish the whole home also by mixing materials such as textiles. This set of elements allows you to enrich the solutions for the table and for the home. The wide range of accessories and lighting systems, coordinated in different themes, is completed and perfected with the possibility, for the customer, to choose the one most functional to their needs from an assorted panel of proposals".


Today more than ever, the product must be in line with the values and demands of buyers who have clear purchasing priorities. This is a prerogative that certainly does not escape Migliorini, whose evaluation analyses do not neglect the trends for demand in the various foreign markets.



Lighting is one of the segments on which you have focused. What are the characteristics of the new cordless lamps?

"These are two rechargeable wireless lamps – Atena and Margot – inspired by two different themes. Athena is reminiscent of ancient lanterns. It is dimmable, so the brightness can be regulated. It comes in three sizes and thanks to its ring it can be transported anywhere, both inside and outside the house. As for the other model, I was inspired by a vase of flowers, baptised with the name "Margot": it investigates the theme of nature and flowers and presents the same unique details as the lantern Athena".


"The explosion of creativity is the starting point for offering people unique collections and at the same time arousing emotions in them"



Gifts, home furnishings, lighting, tableware, furnishing accessories. From a mix of refined craftsmanship and modern technologies, solutions that combine elegance with functionality take shape. Can you tell us about a product/object that is particularly close to your heart?


"Definitely decorative lighting, because it is part of the brand's DNA and history, but the thing I believe in most is the explosion of creativity to offer people unique collections for decorating the home and at the same time arousing emotions in them".


Inspiration and creativity are the main ingredients behind Funny Flowers, acrylic crystal flowers. Thanks to their patterns, the light is filled with coloured reflections, adding vibrancy and colour to the home environment. 


"Each flower has a meaning – explains Migliorini – and conveys a message to those who choose it or receive it as a gift. My goal is to communicate the true meaning of nature — even in a fashion context — expressed in all its aspects. The Made in Italy production process and the use of the most innovative technologies available to the company also characterise the vases for flowers".



From home living to retail: there is a wealth of research behind every solution


I would say that there is a great deal of teamwork that starts from a very specific product concept. It all begins in the style office I set up two years ago when I joined the company. It is a sort of workshop where the idea for the design is put down on paper, from the drawing to the technical evaluation up to the production phase, using high-tech and cutting-edge machinery.


The company has developed new collections of eco-sustainable home living and home decor furnishings


Eco-sustainability is a key aspect of Vesta's mission. The company has developed new collections of furnishing accessories for home living and home decor, made with additive-enhanced PMMA, Greencast PMMA material, which is 100% recycled and recyclable, and in bi-material.


The project was strongly oriented towards the digitisation of production processes to increase production capacity, using ICT solutions (Information and Communication Technology) to speed up processing and reduce production times and costs.