New products for new customers. Diversification is the key word
Retail evolution

New products for new customers. Diversification is the key word

Expanding the product portfolio, attracting new customers, increasing sales, as well as up-selling and cross-selling opportunities, reducing the risk associated with the cyclical nature of customer tastes and needs, differentiating income sources, finding new partners and suppliers. In one word: diversifying. How? One place to start is by expanding in-store offerings.


74% of those who responded to the Milano Home "New products for new customers" stated that it is something they want to do. The survey was launched with the aim of understanding how store ranges are changing and, above all, whether there is a strong desire for stores to move out of their comfort zones to open up to new opportunities.


Not a unanimous response, but still a large majority given that only 26% of stores said they did not feel the need to introduce new products to their shelves.


Which products? It depends.


Stores specialising in the sale of furnishing accessories would like to add linen and home textiles to their range, as well as artificial flowers and plants and packaged food (concept gifts). Stores specialising in the sale of linen and home textiles would like to include decorative items, gifts and accessories. In practice, it is a question of having an offering that can meet all the needs of customers who walk into the store.


The most attractive categories for the stores that responded to the survey are ranked as follows:

  1) Furnishing accessories

  2) Gift Items

  3) Tableware and accessories

  4) Linen and fabrics

  5) Fragrances

  6) Kitchenware and accessories

  7) Flowers and plants

  8) Small electrical appliances

  9)  Jewellery

  10) Food (in gift packaging)


Store formats, as also covered in our interviews (link to retail evolution section), are constantly evolving, but it's not just a matter of arranging new products on the shelves: customers are increasingly looking for objects that convey their values and interests.  Such as?



Stores in the Milano Home community have drawn up this ranking:


  1) Products made in Italy (24% of responses)

  2) New brands and original products (20% of responses)

  3) Designer items and well-known brands (both with 17% of responses)

  4) Craft products (13%)

  5) Sustainable materials (8%)


Do these answers reflect your own position? Haven't answered the survey yet? You can give your answers now. Click here