Brand Power

Brand Power©


The event that connects brands with the industry and retail reward system.


A dedicated area within the Taste pavilion offering insights into the world of promotional products.

Brand Power© is an initiative by Milano Home in cooperation with Promotion Magazine that connects suppliers of single products and entire collections - popular with consumers as rewards in promotional and loyalty programmes - with retail chains and industry.

Products that are also ideal in incentive schemes for sales teams and other professionals, as well as for corporate gifts.


Why Brand Power©?


In a sector worth 5 billion in Italy alone, 3 billion of which is generated by large retailers, this is the brand that supports brands. The promotional and loyalty sector is based on reward systems, i.e. generating rewards that encourage consumers to remain loyal to a brand, a distributor or an on/offline retail chain.


The reward system must be in line with the effort required from the consumer and must be of high quality in terms of content and aesthetics. This is why promotional and loyalty schemes use well-known and desirable brands as rewards.


Many well-known brands have already developed product lines suitable for the promotional channel, but there is still plenty of room for growth: In B2B, for example, branded products are increasingly being used in incentive schemes, corporate gifts and even as public relations giveaways.